Friday, October 28, 2005

What Kitchen? and Success!

The kitchen has come to a complete stop. It has made things interesting around here. Mr. Toad says, “When are you going to sand the cupboards?” I respond with “Right now if you don’t mind dirty laundry.” “Ok well could you work on the kitchen tomorrow?” “Sure I don’t need to make that baby bunting and the bathroom should develop its own personality.” “Hummm well how about…?” “Sounds great could you do my reading and paper for class?” I really do mean to work on the kitchen. I would rather work on the kitchen then clean or do homework but those other things are important too. I need extra days. Granted with an extra day I probably would just do more stuff. So I will work on the kitchen Saturday after the Blood Drive and before the Halloween party. We have come to an understanding of the kitchen project. I will get there and he has to accept that. Accepting the situation is the first step in not killing each other. I am excited that it does look like I will be able to work on the kitchen this weekend.

Last night I went to the Haunted House to sell tickets. It was great. Children trembling and crying before the door even opens. Teenage girls using it as an excuse to hold on tighter to teenage boyfriend. One actor came out to talk at the end of the night laughing. He had just scared teenage boyfriend and teenage boyfriend ran for door leaving teenage girl. All that hard work of building Haunted House night and day and enduring the threats of locked doors paid off.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am so glad that you joined me. Nice name! The Halloween party was a lot of fun.