Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Visiting and ADD

Well I am back! Being home is always great. I think my parents are happy to see me come and then equally happy to see me go. As a slightly energetic person that can talk for hours nonstop I feel that I may be a bit overwhelming to some. The other problem is I have no attention span. So I will be talking about cooking and something in a sentence will get me thinking about tractors and so I change subjects. The average person has no idea what I am talking about and can’t keep up with the subject changes. This particular issue drives Mr. Toad up the wall. He is forever asking me “what are you talking about?” Which just annoys me because I feel that he is just not paying attention. The problem is his mind works like an engineer’s mind. Everything needs to be in order and logical. Very silly indeed. The progression through the different subjects makes sense to me but not everyone can do this. My parents use to be good at following my conversations but now that they are out of practice I think that they struggle to follow. They do better then Mr. Toad but they have many more years of practice. I have some friends who are very good at holding conversations like this and never skip a beat. They blame the ADD for being capable of holding such fascinating conversations. Sometimes I miss having conversations with someone that I do not have to stop mid-sentence and give him or her a map of my thought process. It has taught me to be careful about changing subjects.

Ok so anyway I went shopping with my mom. I bought Christmas presents. I actually have started Christmas shopping before the week before Christmas. So I would tell you what I bought but I am not sure who reads my blog and they may be on my list. Mr. Engineer if you would like to give me a hint of what you would like for Christmas this year that would be fantastic! It is very difficult to shop for little brothers. I saw my Poppie while home visiting. I love seeing and spending time with him.

The drive home was not as I first expected. I originally thought that I would be making an attempt to writing a paper in the car while Mr. Toad hit all the potholes on the road. Yes ilovcoffee there are always potholes in areas outside your bubble. Someday I am going to make it to the bubble. I am thinking of hopefully catching the train in Jan or Feb. Anyway I wrote my paper on Saturday at my parent’s house. Oh how I have forgotten how slow dial-up is. I could hold entire conversations while waiting for pages to come up. In the end the pages came and the paper was finished. Let it be an A.

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