Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Hello, the vacation has ended and the war was at a standstill. I say go right he goes left but we made it all the same. Then of course there is the well now that we are here what do we do?

We traveled to Colonial Williamsburg. It really was delightful. Of course I wanted to enter all the little shops and check things out. Mr. Toad of course chose to guard the door of all the shops. Perhaps he thought that the shop would pick up and take off with me. Probably hoping the shop would indeed take off with me and feared if he went in he might have to stay. The first night there we went to a witch trial. I think Mr. Toad was disappointed that he was unable to suggest me to be the witch in question but we had a great time condemning a little old lady to witchcraft because she could float and other silly reasons they use to have.

Wine tasting of course was on the list. If you ever make it down to the Williamsburg, Va area you should try Williamsburg Winery.

So now we are back and tired. The little creatures of the house seem to be delight we are back. In fact one of the creatures immediately took one of Mr. Toad's shoes and hid under the bed. Now I know that you think in the Toad family that we have a dog with this comment but we don't. That was our oldest cat that has run off with the shoe. She isn't very big and the shoe is very large but she latched onto the shoelace and dragged the shoe behind her. Of course not very dignified looking for a cat but perhaps she feels that if the shoes are hidden then we of course cannot leave the house. The cats seem to be trying to hold us hostage in the house we so nicely allowed them to live in. More likely they allow us to live here.

Oh I almost forgot. Yes Mr. Lumpy you may have met me before.

1 comment:

Julia Reffner said...

Sounds a bit like Monty Python.

She's a witch!! Burn Her!!

I'm not a witch. They dressed me up like this and this isn't my real nose it's a false one.

Anyways. I can see where Mr. Toad was dissappointed. I would most certainly try and implicate my wife should I have been given the oppertunity as well. It would make for a much more emotional hanging or burning or however they decided to dispose of her. ;-)

The Lumpy

by the way welcome to the blogosphere.